Play Dates

Over the course of the past year, one of the things I’ve discovered about myself is that, as much as I miss going to the theatre on a regular basis, I miss having conversations about the plays even more. This sharing is the common ground between the production and the audience and, for me, is vital to my love of the theatre.

Play Dates are a stand-in experience for those post-show discussions where we reflect on what we’ve witnessed through each of our unique perspectives. Instead of conversations about productions, Play Dates are moderated discussions about play scripts; sort of a reading club for plays.

Each Play Date series is approximately six weeks long, focusing on a different script each week. They aren’t lectures, but discussions that are moderated by me and curated to cover either a specific author, theatre company, time period, or guilty pleasure of mine that doesn’t fall into an easy category. Each series will be limited to 12 participants to make discussions manageable.

The first series proved very successful and I’m pleased to announce that a second series is on the horizon. The second series is about big ideas and big laughs. Some of the authors will be familiar names, some will be new to you, and at least one should make you either double-take or spit take, your choice.

  • WHAT: Play Date Volume 3.

  • WHEN: Mondays at 6:00 PM, March 14 - April 18, 2022.

  • WHERE: Online through Zoom.

  • COST: $125. This includes electronic copies of each script, tips to help with reading a play, contextual information on each play and playwright, and any additional tools that might assist in your enjoyment of the play.


    • March 14: HAPGOOD by Tom Stoppard

    • March 21: A VERY EXPENSIVE POISON by Lucy Prebble

    • March 28: POSH by Laura Wade

    • April 4: THE CHILDREN by Lucy Kirkwood

    • April 11: EARTHQUAKES IN LONDON by Mike Bartlett

    • April 18: RULES FOR LIVING by Sam Holcroft

If you would like to participate in this third Play Date series or have questions about the series, please drop me a line below and I will reach out to you with sign-up details or answers to your questions.