
“the tour package is good value.”


“a week full of pure joy.”

“lively post-play discussions .”

“I would rearrange most anything to be able to go every year.”

“…admiration for the knowledge, skill, and instruction that Scott provides.


“I have been to London with Scott twice as part of the Loose in London tours. His prodigious knowledge of theatre allows him to select the best—or most interesting—plays in London, Yarbrough enhances the performances with backstage tours (at the National Theatre, for example), post-play discussions, and occasional interactions with the playwrights themselves. And the London experience is enhanced by being in the company of other like-minded theatre enthusiasts. If we don’t always like the same plays, at least we have one thing in common—admiration for the knowledge, skill, and instruction that Scott provides. I would drop everything any day to see a play in Scott’s company..”

— Carl Wilson (2 tours)


“The first time I went on a theater trip to London with Scott, I thought this would be a “once in a lifetime adventure.” It was that, and so much more. After that first trip, I found that I would rearrange most anything to be able to go every year. I have long been a theater lover; now I know so much more about theater - the craft of acting, directing, staging......Thanks to Scott’s connections, I have met playwrights, directors, actors for intimate conversations. I have seen - and fallen in love with - plays that I would never have seen were it not for Scott’s excellent theater choices.”

— Ginnie Cooper (6 tours)

“I credit Scott Yarbrough's contributions in planning the Loose in London theatre tours with their success and popularity. A tour that is fully booked within two hours of being announced says it all. Scott carefully selects the plays for the group and prepares extensive background material about the playwrights, directors and the theatres we will be visiting. He sets the stage for lively post-play discussions that add to the fun of the tour and build camaraderie among the attendees. I am a more educated and discerning theatre goer because of Scott’s guidance. I arrange my travel schedule to accommodate Loose in London since it is the highlight of each year.”

— Ellen Fader (6 tours)

“With its deep dive into a variety of theatrical experiences and accompanying conversations, Loose in London is a week full of pure joy. Equal parts of intellectual stimulation and great fun make this unique experience one of my all-time favorite travel adventures. Scott provides a perfect combination of scheduled activities (stage performances, tours of the West End, shared meals with theatre professionals) as well as ample free time to explore the city’s museums, neighborhoods, and architectural delights. Fellow participants are eager to share their own suggestions of places for you to enjoy in this endlessly fascinating city. Scott’s background information and follow-up discussions on the plays enhance each and every visit to one of London’s historic theaters.”

— Connie Rockman (2 tours)

“Given that London is an expensive city the tour package is good value. Hotel accommodation is excellent, central and well located for local attractions and transportation. The many practical arrangements involved in the smooth running of this multi-faceted tour have worked well. Scott always manages to secure good tickets for interesting plays, a variety of works and venues making for a week of enjoyable theatre experience. The schedule allows for a good bit of time and freedom for museums and galleries, terrific shopping, independent exploration of historic sites and parks and garden - endless. We usually tack on a day or two before and after the tour for day trips from the city. It's always been a wonderful holiday and we are looking forward to what we hope may be a Loose in London 2021.”

— Dick and Wendy Rham (6 tours)